Ok. I know what you're probably wondering. Producer Gone Mad? What the HELL is THAT supposed to mean? Well, Hi. For anonymity reasons, I will refer to myself as "The Hidden Hand". I am a beatmaker, just like 80% of the Hip-Hop internet community. I decided to create this site because I'm fed up with the so-called "ears" of this current generation of producers. Now, I'll tell you from the start, I'm an 80's baby. I've lived through the beginnings of the culture and seen the music quality rise, and then fall up to the current, sad state it's in. Now, i'm still young, so don't quite judge me, and disregard me as an "old head" who needs to "keep up with the times." No, that's not the problem. The problem is that people don't understand what MUSIC is, or what it means. Music is meant to be around forever, supposed to be TIMELESS. What the current generation does in Hip-Hop is not timeless, it's forgetful. It's a "fad", which is what the culture was dubbed in the 80's, and is what past generations in the culture struggled so hard to get rid of. Nowadays, it's about fashion, jewels, females & a competition as to who has the most money, to the point where "rappers" have to lie about. It USED to be about struggle, about uprising, about vocal freedom, and taking a stand on the social & political problems we face, which have only gotten worse since the eighties. Anyone see a problem with that? Well, I do. And, my commitment to this culture will not let that slide. Hip-hop isn't dead, it never was and that's not what I'm saying. It just needs a good ass-whooping. I'm here to register that. Looking forward to the future of this site, for those who read and stick with us, you're presence is very well appreciated. Let's make this thing big.
Peace all, & make good music.
-The Hidden Hand-Producer Gone Mad.